Unity - Completed - Omena-chan Defeat Bad Guys [Final] [HoriTail]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR- Just play with cheats on to get through the game

    A lot of the scenes are mid, mechanics and button layout are tricky to learn, and the platforming towards the end is just ridiculous. The scenes that are good keep this from being a 1/5, but this game is meant to be played quickly to get a view of the gallery and be gone. Play with the cheat in the "read me" active and move on if you value your time or sanity.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: 4.5
    not that bad, it's actually quite fun to be creative with your combos or be cheesy with your clones. The wide variety of combos and stats upgrade makes it that you design your own gameplay and tactics. Reason why it isn't 5 is because some maps are a drag.

    Scenes: 5 (personally 6)
    Honestly best part of it. Great animation, great VA and great themes. I like the character's personality and design as well. which compliments the themes of the scenes. (just wish there's more of Omena. not really a fan of Manly whatever)

    Story/Characters: 3.5
    It's meh. The only person I actually liked is the MC but the other side characters are a meh. Just a personal taste so I wouldn't be adding this in my score (also its a hentai game, don't expect NIER level story here lol)
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is clumsy and awkward, sure. The gameplay is not amazing. The art and animations are good, though. The live animations during gameplay are great.

    I love this game. One of the few h-games I've ever actually beaten because no save files existed. BepInX uncensor also works pretty well.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    it's a fun little game but imo a terrible hentai game. so imo average 3/5 rating is justified.

    at first, especially intro scene, seems very clunky. it's literally the worst animated scene in the whole game. funny. but in the game it's not so bad. some skills which are fun to use and OP (whirlwind). the balance is bad cuz you can increase hp+mana with combos, and some skills give 10+ combos so in a very short time you have infinite hp and mana.

    but maps ger more complicated to find levers and etc, to find scrolls etc you have to search a lot up/down/left/right. if you wanna waste a decent amount of time you can do it with this game but i found H-scenes really lacking.

    first of all most sex scenes ive seen is by you using skills of clones of you attacking enemy with sexual attacks. so not you doing it but a clone. meh. you really need to try hard to get abused by enemies plus you probably won't have enough hp to do it anyway. so it's badly made game cuz first their attack remove clothes which removes max hp and after a couple of clothes remove you have nearly no max hp. i didnt even get to know if there is battlefuck because it's near impossible to get there.