RPGM - Completed - Scars of Summer [v1.03] [Shinachiku-Castella/Kagura Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    man what can i say its basically "ntrpg" but a 2021 ver. , its goddamn beautiful

    slight issue is the time system regarding getting "behind the door actions" as it seems to vary as time progress rather than through interaction & also due to the fact that player have control of the mc there is basically nothing to do after interacting with this "scenes" wish it could've skip time after the "scene"
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, nice scenes, one of the best ntr games overall.
    Every route is interesting, there is some farm the first time you play but after that other full routes can be done very fast
    No stupid netorase (when mc likes being cheated)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Among the other NTR games I've played, this was the game that satisfied me the most. It would be perfect if she corrupted more slowly due to Ryoka's strong personality. Still one of the best ntr games.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Young Breezy

    Honestly this deserves at least a 4 just for the screen door silhouette scene, but also I thought that almost all the routes were good (except for the vanilla one that's kind of just a throwaway/joke route). The vagrant route was surprisingly wholesome which was pretty good. While some routes were good, I do think that they could have been better/longer. Definitely waiting for that after story/DLC.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are a NTR fan. This is your game of the year for you. Wish there was a auto key feature so you wouldn't mash the buttons. Also useful for something else *wink*. Kagura Game is the publisher and they are known for amazing gameplay. Would recommend this highly.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    So I've played Scars of Summer, and it's time for a review. I will preface this by saying two things. One: I'm probably not the target audience of this game as NTR is "meh" to me. Two: I did not finish the game, and I put about 3 hours into it.

    Initially the story is alright, but this quickly comes to an end as Ryoka starts to act out against her own desires. Essentially, you have to find some of Ryouka's memories about and in the end get together. That is unless other men get to her first. There are some different stuff to do, and you can do these things with the girl, which is alright.
    The MC is more or less a blank slate who is either too ignorant or stupid to understand that she is into him. That is despite the fact that she doesn't make it particularly hard to figure out. In sharp contrast Ryouka has a strong personality and a strong will. It is very clear that what she really want is to spent time with the MC and get even closer to him. This is also why her actions makes no sense. How come that on one hand she is afraid to embarrass herself in front of the MC, to even make a move. Yet on the other hand she is A-okay with doing stuff with disgusting old homeless people? Her actions simply speak against the personality that the writer gave her.

    Unfortunately, to me, it makes it an incoherent story. Its not a problem that she finds interest in the other characters or that other characters have an interest in her. That is not an issue. It's the speed and the fact that she supposedly is in love with the MC that speak against her taking the actions that she does. Sure, if the other characters slowly made advances on her, but it doesn't seem like that.

    This brings me to another part of the game -Decisions: Unfortunately, this game leaves very few decisions for the player, and even fewer transparent decisions. What do you do if you discover that Ryouka is about to walk into some homeless hanky-panky party? Well, apparently nothing. Any normal person would've called on her, and perhaps she would've changed her mind depending on your relationship. It calls upon the old expression "Out of sight, out of mind" as she apparently immediately forgets you the second that you leave her alone. Again, this goes against her own desires and her personality. One may ask why are you doing this to which the authors supposedly would've shrugged.

    In terms of art, it's alright. Like, I haven't actually seen a whole lot of it despite playing it for some time. It's mostly good if you like the Old-Disgusting-men kind of art, which I don't.

    To summarize for short(er) reading:

    The Good
    • Ryouka has a nice and perhaps even relatable personality (at least until the game starts to ignore it).
    • Some different stuff to do.
    • The over-arching story is fine - especially the love story. But I agree with another commenter: Mixing love/romance story and NTR is not an optimal idea.
    The In-Between
    • Makes use of the standard NTR tropes: Old man, disgusting man, unpopular geek etc.
    The Bad
    • It takes ages to get to art in my opinion.
    • Quite repetitive and somewhat grindy.
    • The MC is a blank slate with just about no personality.
    • Ryouka is like a bitch in heat - the second you look away she is with another dude. This would've been fine but:
    • Ryouka acts against her own desires which completely ignores her strong personality.
    • The story is incoherent because of these.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Although a bit confusing at first, you will rather quickly grasp the essence of this game and more or less have control over what you want to achieve.

    I love the art, the guy is one of the best artist out there in my opinion. I love seeing this super hot busted innocent school girl getting into sexual intercourse with old fat dudes. I know some people hate it, so if that's your case, this game is probably not for you. If you do like it, do not hesitate, it's a jewel.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not a perfect game but it's worth playing for those who want a high quality, rewarding experience.

    First, the flaws. IMO, this game should have been from the female perspective. Without giving too much spoilers, this doesn't really strike me as a strong NTR game, certainly it is voyeuristic but I don't really get the sense that you are getting 'cucked' in this one. The guy is simply 100% passive.

    The game runs a day night cycle, the 2 girls run on a schedule, and this is all because I believe the game creator wanted to maximize the immersion of the main character actually being able to 'voyeur' their corruption and be 'cucked' in doing so. I appreciate the effort and it does help with immersion at times.. but I think most of the time it was just more frustrating tracking down these opportunities given the random schedule and not worth the effort.

    It's going to be tedious going through the game to unlock everything and I think you'll just be doing a full save and looking through the recollection room after one play through.

    But this game is really good and I think people miss out on key strengths. First biggest strength is that this is just a high quality game. High quality images, high quality world building, you won't suffer from imbalanced mechanics, inconsistencies in the game world, etc. I loved the CG in this one, no animation but really well drawn. The fetishes explored and scenes don't blow my mind away but there is always the 'corruption' angled played as well as the half assed 'cuck' thing.

    Second biggest quality is that it's just a beautifully told story. How many guys lusted after girls when they were teens, and how many of those girls ended up with guys who were older, stronger, richer, etc.? This is that story. And sure the circumstances of the 6 possible men corrupting the girl are ridiculous, but the corruption of the girl is totally believable and plausible. And especially if you are following along with some of the notes on the childhood connection between the main character and the girl, you note the conflict that the girl has with her childhood ties and the adults who are trying to use her. I recommend you just quickly go through the 'good end' through a save first, it adds to the story.

    This gets to why this is 5 stars for me; there's a million lewd games out there but this one adds something I'm confident isn't explored elsewhere. It's comparable to some other good NTR stuff out there I can't name, but this one has a touch of sentimentality and heart not seen anywhere else.

    Best way to play it might be install a full save, watch the good ending, then run through a game really quick and then watch the other corruption scenes you missed.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    this game really good but this girl really whore i think if you release her or leave alone only 1 day she going and meeting with other guys so if you guys dont want netorare becarefull and if you guys really want to ntr leave her alone and just watch... (im cryed)
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    this game has very interesting mechanics i never seen before, u need to collect bugs and participate in various activities to get past obstacles and get 4 memories of the past, i really liked protagonist route it was magical however this is NTR game and i will rate it as such, art is pretty good but i saw some people complaining at "ugly bastards" fucking heroine, i think thats the point devs wanted to do, heroine is portrayed as perfect breeding goddes with big tits wide hips plump ass and fit, ovulating and waiting to get impregnated (only a bit dumb), the only thing i dont get if its really NTR genre... if u think about it Ryoka never gets with Keita and cheat on him but becoming woman of other males around her before they get together, i guess what was important to creators was her and his feelings towards each other and shattering them with lust and errors very much like sometimes reality does
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 6/10
    Gameplay: 6/10
    Kinks: 4/10
    Overall: 5/10

    Gosh darn average.

    You like NTR? This will be another entry that will go under your belt, if not, then you'll probably find this game rather lacking in kink energy. There are no rewards for pursuing a pure ending, and all the rewards for everything else have the "main" character being cucked and watching women he cares for being filled like a hostess cake.

    You have the super ugly fat bastard, the ugly skinny bastard, the scrawny and annoying rich kid bully, the skin head buff coworker, the more traditional school bully, and even your sort-a friend who works the bathhouse. Talk to anyone them and boom, your girl will be hopping on their pogo sticks like a 90's commercial.

    But wait, there's more! The older sister of your love interest also gets the meat stick, being passed around the homeless shelter and the ugly old bastard bar like a new variant of COVID. She's even easier to see her lose her composure and fall to their stinky-gross charms, honestly, both of these girls are not ideal relationship material. They're easier to prey upon than a dying calf in the middle of a drought.

    Which is why this kind of NTR is not my kink, there's no challenge. The girls are pushovers, the guys are all ugly and in no way appealing to see pork the women, and the only tag that got me interested doesn't even exist. I saw Sleep Sex, there is none. Unless you count that time where you and a girl are drugged, stripped, photographed (to get you expelled from school), and then the girl is fucked next to you by one guy who tricked you while she is unconscious. Woomp woomp, gonna give this a big ol C-.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    WHOA!!! This game is terrible. When i said terrible i meant Good like my little bro just keep getting back up . Just like the title said this game will leave a scar or two in the player's heath n mind but will make your little bro hard . LOL At least this game 10 times better than NTRPG series. man i wish they add saki ending and i wish creators add more efforts in good non-ntr ending. just saying. NTR is like a drug, u know it is bad for u but still want more.
    So this game is Bad which is GOOD
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Good attempt with retarded mindset. The main babe just has curves, nothing too sexy about her. Saki was a looker lacking contrast, while thick babe was all thick and usual hentai beach babe looks, nothing fancy about her. Scenes had nothing special about them either no matter the character who drills her. Getting a proper hentai scene is a drag & then you get no fun.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    An NTR/Corruption game from Shinachiku-Castella. A brief overview of my thoughts:

    The Good:
    • Attractive female character design.
    • Well written (for porn), the female lead has personality, not so much the guy you play ofc.
    • Huge amount of content. Seven(?) separate routes with only moderate reuse of CG.
    • Uses the modern RPG maker tech, so no fucking around with alt-enter.
    • If you're into voyeurism and NTR this game is basically the best you're gonna find.
    The Bad:
    • The downside to the huge amount of content is that each individual route feels a little 'thin' with only 6 steps of progression or so. Compare it something like, Curse of Kubel where the corruption is very slow (and rewarding).
    • Somewhat grindy after the first few play throughs. While each route is more enjoyable in a new game+, eventually it became very repetitive.
    • Pretty 'hard' NTR. Not Thug Hero party bad, but bad. Do not play if such a thing is gonna be distressing (MC here is such a blank slate that it's hard to feel very sorry for him).
    The Ugly:
    • Shinachiku's obsession with incredibly foul looking old men and homeless rears it's head again. I know this is someone's fetish, but it's a massive turnoff for me. If you're played his previous games don't expect anything different in terms of his art.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Feng Lengshun

    This VN essentially took pretty much all variants of NTR and ran with it. Village ritual, rich bastard, manlier man, other friend, second chance, blackmail, and even just normal drifting out. Amazing, in the variety, I have to say.

    If I didn't do the Happy Ending first though, I don't think I could care about the main character. Honestly, he's a total wimp. Even when he got encouraged by the two's past selves, it took so long for him to act on it or even change. I'm mostly just encouraging the girl because she's really cute in that route. I don't know how it'll change things though, since the ritual is still a thing, and he's still moving out.

    By far, my favorite is Daisuke, the co-worker's route. Yeah, he's pushy and loud, but I gotta love that earnesty and when you contrast with how the MC was just "playing cool" even though he's anxious as hell, Daisuke is actually worth rooting for by contrast. By the same token, I kinda like the Vagrant route as well, though to a much lesser degree (especially since he's even more of an ugly bastard). Still, kinda happy for the guy to have his second chance at happiness despite everything.

    The Masaru (other childhood friend) and Oyama (village slut) routes are just okay. The main appeal for me are the sex in those routes, not the story, but they do have their own thing going. Nobuo is just a whiny rich kid though, he's basically even more pathetic version of the MC, except he can win, which doesn't endear me further. And Yasui is just blackmail route - it's literally the most hentai manga series to me, and about what we actually expect with regards to NTR.

    I kinda feel sorry for the big sister, even if we go Happy End and didn't see a single sex scenes, she's still stuck there and she's still getting fucked. With the way the Vagrant route with her went, I think she still has her morality which is what makes it more painful to me. The old man shopkeeper route was just ehhh to me though, it's boring in contrast to everything else.

    All in all pretty good if you're looking for NTR, though if you're not then this isn't the game for you. Yes, there is a Happy Ending, but you don't get any H out of it even if it is pretty sweet.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a solid little H-game, the review directly below mine covers the pros of the game very well (although he left out the greatest con in my opinion, hence this short review). The greatest con of this game is how easy it is to do a purity run/corrupt your girl. When I play a H-game I like there to be much more complexity to the games systems.

    My recommendation is to play through once on the romance route to see the story unfold (it is a cute little route) then use the cuck switch that you unlock in new game plus to gather all of the scenes you missed in the recollection room. The game plays itself at that point (just wait out until the end of August with the switch on).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a unique form of NTR. It focuses on mystery NTR and voyeurism. My favourite combo. It even has a journal for those who want to watch the scenes. The art is amazing, and the difference of audio that changes based on the intensity of sex adds so much to the game.

    The gameplay of free roaming to stumble on events adds to the voyeurism, but more importantly, it allows for simplicity and fluidity of play that focuses on the adult content. Whenever you have a suspicion that something may be up, just pull out your phone and witness the hot scene that is her trying to talk to you without moaning play out.

    This is honestly one of the best NTR games I've ever played. Well voiced, well drawn, fluid gameplay, what more could you want?

    Well, I would love for there to be a larger cast and maybe there to be scenes with you and the girls if you build your relationships with them, but that's nit-picky. This game didn't set out to do that.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best NTR games out there.
    The scenes are some of the best from shinachiku castella. Transaltion is good. Each route features a good amount of CG's
    Slow corruption and spying mechanic is really good.

    I mean, is there really a need to describe this game that I've been waiting for 2 years for and could probably singlehandedly help a guy finish destroy dick december...
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Another boring game with a sorry NTR excuse.

    Played this one for some hours and the main character is a weak little shit not able advance with the girls, AGAIN.

    Art is somewhat decent but very few.
    Mechanics are simple.
    Hints about how the game works are bad and plain. Hints about "memories" are null.
    1 or 2 events are interesting, but the game is flat.

    Dissapointing for a game. And VERY dissapointing for an anime style game.
    Time thrown to the trash.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Why do other people like this game?
    • multiple routes
    • calender/time cycles
    • Straight-forward gameplay
    • Sexy artworks
    Why do I dislike this game?

    It doesn't try anything new. And in the few times it does, it messes it up. For example - in previous games you could actively choose your route and ending. In this game, its pretty randomized with the girl just choosing the first guy you talk to. You have no control over how things turn out and won't get any sexy scenes for an hour or more. Its a slow burn with crappy payoff. And gathering butterflies/going to the gym and whatnot is basically walking to locations on the map, no real thought involved at all. Also the character sprites are super generic, they don't even look custom. Overall its just a very below average experience. I don't see the big fuss. This developer has done better.